Blood Car When gas passes the $30/gallon mark, a school teacher tries to make an engine run on a vegetarian diet, but only blood will do.
Brotherhood 2, The Jocks make life hard for losers, so a warlock transfer student gets revenge.
Candy Stripers And outbreak in a hospital causes the nurses to either kill or body snatch the patients.
Cult Students investigate an ancient asian legend, but get caught up in the modern revival.
Deadly Little Christmas After catching his dad cheating, a boy stabs him, but the murders seem to continue 15 years later.
Death Tunnel Five are dared to spend to spend five hours on five floors with five ghosts.
Demons at the Door A demon teleconferences into a middle-eastern dig site, where he declares war upon two marines in order to get the Eye of Satan back.
Detour On a search for mushrooms, an RV gets stuck in the desert, and those inside get hunted by a re-bar wielding ragman.
Half-Caste The traditional werewolf story is moved to Africa and becomes boring.
Hellspawn Yet another demon child kills people, but he feels realy bad about it, and just wants to be loved.
Invasion of the Pod People An ugly plant creates duplicates of people, who are nicer than their real life counterparts.
Lukas' Child Actresses auditioning for a movie role, are later kidnapped to be fed to a demon child.
Monsturd An expirimental chemical dumped into a sewer mixes with the DNA from an escaped criminal who then becomes a human turd.
Near Death Three annoying ghost hunters find a house filled with ghouls that enjoy eating Jell-O.
Night Crawlers An evil bug kills people when they move into a new home. But it apparently can kill people in other places too.
Satan's Schoolgirls Schoolgirls turn evil, but then more evil kills them or something.
Screaming, The A man rents an apartment, but soon finds himself being lured into the cult of Crystalogy and has to fight a demon.
Taintlight A parody of Twightlight adds a lot of fart jokes and worse.