
Burial Ground
Burial Ground - Another Italian Zombie movie to put on your wish-list. Paper Machet zombies, Christina Aguilera look-a-likes, middle-aged midgets passing off as children, and a horde of foolish people who can't outrun zombies.

Cannibal Ferox
Cannibal Ferox - Oh goodness. Good people meet bad people, but everyone gets eaten. Horray!

Jack Frost
Jack Frost - A serial killer gets covered in toxic goop. He turns into a snowman, and kills people. And it's the best movie ever made.

Night of the Lepus
Night of the Lepus - It's been done. A review of a giant rabbit movie. View at your own risk.

The Terror for Tiny Town
The Terror for Tiny Town - A midget western. Need I say more.

Zombie Lake
Zombie Lake - The French take on the zombie genre, and end up with a war romance.